Let’s Get Cookin’
Sweet and savory andouille bites are a delicious and easy appetizer that is perfect for any occasion.

Sweet and savory andouille bites are a delicious and easy appetizer that is perfect for any occasion.
We made two different batches of this recipe. For the first batch, we used Holland House cooking wine, and for the second batch, we used Mogen David Blackberry wine.
When we used the cooking wine, we found anything under 15 minutes was too acidic. Cooking it over 15 minutes allows the acidic vinegar taste to mellow out. If we were to redo this recipe, we would avoid cooking wine and suggest finding a different dry white wine.
Personally, we liked the batch in which we used the blackberry wine. We recommend a minimum of 15 minutes in the skillet for this version as well. Still, the longer it soaks, the more the andouille will absorb the mixture. This blackberry wine gives the andouille a fruity first bite and contrasts with the smoky meat as you go. For this version, we suggest adding an extra tablespoon of honey.